Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Year, New President, New Expectations?

Well, it's a new year complete with a new president and full of fresh expectations. What expectations? Some good and some bad.

It seems that Obama is a mixed bag trying to throw bones in all directions so that he engenders good will towards him. He meets with the left. He meets with the right. He appoints those to office that he once stood in stark contrast to, all at the same time still purporting to bring change.

Bottom line is, unlike Reagan or Lincoln, he doesn't hold a firm set of values that drive him. This may turn out to be a blessing. The programs and things he sets in motion will be difficult to stop, but it would indicate he is susceptible to public pressure. Seeing the number of appointments that are in legal and political trouble indicates he make hasty decisions without fully knowing the facts or ramifications (he comfortable dealing with corrupt politicians.)

There are many other facets that make Obama both a reason for optimism in 2012 and a reason to fear. The most stunning from 2008 has to do with the gullibility of the public. They believe what the news media feeds them and checks their brain at the door. What is obvious to conservatives (values, principles) seems to evade the vast majority of the public. This means the election is more emotional than logical.

How do we proceed for the next 4 years?

1. Pray for our new president that he reaches out to God for guidance and help. We want him to succeed in building our nation and not compromise it.

2. Communicate better our message of hope, a better life and what is the path to get there.

3. Build a perception of the Republican Party as optimistic, upbeat and fun... yet with a serious grasp on the issues. Work on being perceived as the party that knows their stuff, has a solid plan, is looking out for me (and my family) and more importantly has an active relationship with me.

4. Work on our elected representatives to engender their concurrence with and support of the party platform (it's a great platform.) I don't know if the report card on platform is the end-all, but it is a good start to identify those who actually are principled Republicans instead of simple bureaucrats.

5. Have regular communication with our state and national elected officials to get updates and give them a sense of where we stand on issues... in advance of a final bill.

6. Strategize quarterly to measure success, retool and implement.

I know some (if not most) of these ideas are already being implemented in some fashion, but I wanted to voice my support of a clear direction and plan for conservative Republicans to be successful in 2012.

Have a wonderful 2009 and be blessed. This is still the greatest nation that God has blessed on this earth!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Value Honesty and Integity

If you would like to suggest that honesty and integrity is something to strive and be admired for, you have to question whether Barak Obama has any.

He could have done something about the illegal contributions once it was brought to light.  Instead he chose to ignore it and take the money.

See the contributions below that are still able to be made.  I should note that, in order to be able to make these kind of contributions, his team had to DISABLE security measures for their credit card transactions – which means this was done with intent, not by accident.

I want my President to have integrity, honesty and the audacity to stop corruption where it exists… even if it is him or his people.



Obama Shrugged: The Website

October 29, 2008 Posted by Scott at 7:04 AM

We continue to receive reports of dubious (i.e., illegal) donations to the Obama campaign. Yesterday Mark Steyn reported the contribution of "Adolfe Hitler" of 1 Reichstag Building. Herr "Hitler" received a grateful acknowledgment of his contribution:

Dear Adolfe,

Thanks for joining this movement. It will take all of us working together to bring change to this country, and we wanted to make sure you know about all the opportunities to get involved in your community and online.

Check out the resources below -- learn how you can connect with fellow supporters, organize in your neighborhood, build our national grassroots organization, and stay informed with the very latest campaign news.

This morning we received word from reader Kurtis F. of his contribution under the name Crazy Eight:

Crazy Eight from Swindler Lane just made a $25 dollar donation to Obama for America. It went right through to my credit card after a two day delay.

No security code. No address check. No name verification. Nothing. Unbelievable.

At PBTS, John Ronning reports "How foreign liberals (and jihadis for the matter) can contribute illegally to the Obama campaign." They can do it the same way Crazy Eight and so many others have done.

You'd think someone who does this kind of work for the MSM might see a story here, but it hasn't happened yet. Indeed, as I noted in "Obama Shrugged," MSM reporters Michael Luo (New York Times) and Matthew Mosk (Washington Post) have only served to obscure the Obama's campaign's facilitation of illegal falsely sourced, foreign and excessively large donations in their pieces touching on this subject. Maybe they'll return to story and clear things up some time after the election, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Now reader Mike Angilleta Myself has teamed up with a few internet/e-commerce peers to launch a new site which is dedicated to covering the Obama online credit card donation scandal. As Mike notes in a message, the Obama campaign has intentionally turned off basic fraud screening (credit card address verification) on its site, thereby allowing donors to violate campaign finance law. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

Mike writes that he and his team want to keep the public informed on this important issue that the mainstream media are ignoring and want to encourage readers to sign a petition asking the Obama campaign to disclose all its donor records, as the McCain campaign has done. Tipping his hat to my post earlier this week, Mike has aptly named his site Obama Shrugged.

The Infomercial analysis from Associated Press